Dr. Knezek can provide data-driven advice on what works in technology integration and teacher training. He is a Regents Professor of Learning Technologies at the University of North Texas. He holds a B.A. in Mathematics and the Social Sciences from Dartmouth College, and an M.Ed. and Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Hawaii. Dr. Knezek has Fulbright Scholar appointments to Japan, Ecuador, and the Netherlands.
He is a native Texan with a wide range of scholarly experiences in different cultures of the world. His primary research interests are in attitude measurement, scaling, and conceptual foundations of motivation and learning with a special focus on technology integration. He has directed externally funded projects from the U.S. Dept. of Education and National Science Foundation for more than a decade and has served for similar projects for more than 20 years. He holds a Texas secondary teaching certifications in mathematics, psychology, and computer science and has been involved in teacher preparation activities for the past 19 years.